Changes to

Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
1 hour ago
Changed around line 1
+ date 2025-2-10
+ tags All IntellectualFreedom
+ title All the benefits of property; none of the responsibility
+ container 430px
+ standardPost.scroll
+ If a pedestrian on the sidewalk is hit by a falling branch from a decaying tree on your property you are liable.
+ ***
+ If those who insist on calling copyrights and patents "Intellectual Property" wish to continue to do that, I say we make them embrace all the responsibilities of property as well.
+ - If © TV programs carry ads for sugary drinks, and sugar turns out to cause many diseases, those TV networks are also liable.
+ - If actors and actresses star in those © ads, they are also liable.
+ - If newspaper © pages have ads for painkillers that turn out to be far more addictive than advertised, the paper is also liable.
+ - If a © textbook contains a model of health that turns out to be inaccurate and harmful, then the publisher(s) and author(s) are also liable.
+ - If a © song is played on a radio station in between ads for products that turn out to cause harm, the station and the musician(s) are also liable.
+ - If a non-public domain search engine shows ads for products that turn out to cause harm, that search engine is also liable.
+ - If a © software program causes its users to lose a signficant amount of time or resources, the software maker is also liable.
+ - If anyone claiming © over some media fails to update that media as soon as mistakes are discovered, they are liable.
+ ***
+ Or do they just want all of the benefits of property rights, with none of the responsibilities?
+ ****
+ # Related posts
+ printRelated IntellectualFreedom
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
2 days ago
updated bipolarModel.scroll
Changed around line 5: standardPost.scroll
- caption The model proposed here. Mania is too many mitochondria; depression too few. We predict it is possible to detect mood state from optical images of certain cells and counting stained mitochondria.
+ caption The model proposed here. Mania is too much mitochondria; depression too little. We predict it is possible to detect mood state from optical images of certain cells and counting mitochondrial volume.
- Mania is too many mitochondria; depression too few.
+ Mania is too much mitochondria; depression too little.
- *Mitolevel* is mitochondrial count divided by cell count ($ML$ = $M/C$).
+ *Mitolevel* is mitochondrial volume divided by cell volume ($ML$ = $M/C$).
Changed around line 25: Mania is elevated mitolevels and depression is depressed mitolevels.
- Individuals who experience severe depression take a long time to recover, which matches a model where the cell is filled with debris (likely from dead mitochondria from a manic episode) preventing the restoration of a healthy mitolevel.
+ Individuals who experience severe depression take a long time to recover, which matches a model where the cell is depleted of mitochondria (likely from dead mitochondria from resource exhausition during a manic episode) preventing the restoration of a healthy mitolevel.
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
2 days ago
updated aaron.scroll
Changed around line 5: title Aaron's Amendment
- quote New: let's get to work! Join the subreddit
+ > New: let's get to work! Join the subreddit
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
2 days ago
updated aaron.scroll
Changed around line 5: title Aaron's Amendment
+ quote New: let's get to work! Join the subreddit
+ subreddit
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
2 days ago
updated aaron.scroll
Changed around line 59: billOfRights.jpg
- caption I failed Aaron two times. The first when I was working with him to run his Python scripts at Duke (I was a new programmer at the time and pinged him with many questions). The second was when I did nothing when he was being prosecuted for liberating ideas to liberate minds.
+ caption I failed Aaron two times. The first when I was working with him to run his Python scripts at Duke (I was a new programmer at the time and pinged him with many questions). The second was when I did nothing when he was being prosecuted for liberating ideas to liberate minds. I will not fail him a third time.
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
2 days ago
updated aaron.scroll
Changed around line 44: The bigger problem is this debate is not being had.
- When the debate is on details like what is the ideal length of monopolies, or when illogical terms like "Intellectual Property" are used, you've already conceded too much, and are fighting for local maxima.
+ When the debate is on details like what is the ideal length of monopolies, or when illogical terms like "Intellectual Property" are used, you've already conceded too much, and are giving up your strongest weapon: truth.
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
2 days ago
updated aaron.scroll
Changed around line 32: I have only passed a handful of Amendments to the U.S. Constitution in my lifeti
- It would be intellectually dishonest of me to say that.
+ It would be intellectually dishonest of me to say that. I am always open to intelligent experiments that would show otherwise.
- But I am highly confident it would be a huge improvement based on empirical evidence and theoretical math.
+ But at this point I am _99% confident_ it would be the single most massive positive improvement we can make in our world, based on empirical evidence and theoretical math.
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
2 days ago
updated aaron.scroll
Changed around line 18: If you've thought deeply about copyrights and patents, you've probably figured o
- The below proposal is 213 characters.
+ The below proposal is 34 words.
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
2 days ago
updated aaron.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2025-02-07
- openGraphImage aaron.jpg
Changed around line 58: billOfRights.jpg
+ aaron.jpg
+ caption I failed Aaron two times. The first when I was working with him to run his Python scripts at Duke (I was a new programmer at the time and pinged him with many questions). The second was when I did nothing when he was being prosecuted for liberating ideas to liberate minds.
+ openGraph
Changed around line 72: The kind of people I think may be ready to organize would be lovers of open sour
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
2 days ago
updated aaron.scroll
Changed around line 1
- date 2021-05-12
+ date 2025-02-07
+ // originally posted 2021-05-12 as "Intellectual Freedom Amendment"
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
2 days ago
updated aaron.scroll
Changed around line 1
+ openGraphImage aaron.jpg
2 days ago
Added aaron.jpg
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
3 days ago
updated aaron.scroll
Changed around line 14: If you've thought deeply about copyrights and patents, you've probably figured o
- I suggest we organize around a simple long-term vision of passing a new Intellectual Freedom Amendment to the U.S. Constitution ending patents and copyrights once and for all.
+ I suggest we organize around a simple long-term vision of passing a new Amendment to the U.S. Constitution ending patents and copyrights once and for all.
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
3 days ago
updated aaron.scroll
Changed around line 14: If you've thought deeply about copyrights and patents, you've probably figured o
- I suggest we rally around a simple long-term vision of passing a new Intellectual Freedom Amendment to the U.S. Constitution ending patents and copyrights once and for all.
+ I suggest we organize around a simple long-term vision of passing a new Intellectual Freedom Amendment to the U.S. Constitution ending patents and copyrights once and for all.
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
4 days ago
Changed around line 0
- date 2025-2-04
- tags Draft
- title Muting the Market
- container 430px
- standardPost.scroll
- The market is hig
- ****
Changed around line 1
+ date 2025-2-06
+ tags All IntellectualFreedom
+ title Optimizing for Truth
+ container 430px
+ standardPost.scroll
+ If our government is going to make laws governing information, then we should optimize for truth and signal, over lies and noise.
+ The objective should not be maximizing the ability to make money off of information. Nature provides natural incentives for discovering new truths, we don't need any unnatural ones. In fact, the unnatural incentives on information production actually incentivize lying and noise, rather than truth generation.
+ whyDoWeSubsidizeLies.html incentivize lying and noise
+ I'm surprised this is such a minority opinion, but very few people are with me on this (those that already are---❤️).
+ ***
+ What kind of a system maximizes truth?
+ Well, what is truth?
+ Truth is when someone publishes a set of symbols with the claim that they accurately predict something about the world and then later sensors verify that those symbols did accurately predict it.
+ These truths are extremely helpful. They give us warm buildings, useful electricity, cures for disease, lenses to see more, safe transportation, and so on.
+ There are also kinds of information that might not necessarily make accurate predictions about the world but don't pretend to. Fictional stories or songs or jokes meant to amuse. These are fine and also have natural incentives (the love and admiration from your peers, for example).
+ Then there are lies. These are symbols that claim to predict things about the world that don't, in fact, hold up when the sensor data comes in. Much of advertising falls in this category.
+ Finally, there is also noise. Noise is often truths repackaged in extremely verbose, obfuscated, or scrambled order that wastes people's time and can mislead.
+ ***
+ Other than total censorship, I cannot think of a worse information policy than the one we currently have in this country, where it is not legal for someone to edit published information and republish their edited versions. Where it is illegal for someone to create a repository of maximal truth.
+ We need smart people to delete all this noise, to distill all the signal, and deliver truthful, efficient information to the public. This needs to be legal, not illegal.
+ Truth needs to be the thing to optimize for, not royalties.
+ It's time for the IFA.
+ ifa.html IFA
+ ****
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
3 days ago
updated aaron.scroll
Changed around line 1
- title The Aaron Amendment
+ title Aaron's Amendment
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
3 days ago
updated ifa.scroll
Changed around line 1
+ buildHtml
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
3 days ago
updated ifa.scroll
Changed around line 1
- date 2021-05-12
- tags All IntellectualFreedom
- title The Intellectual Freedom Amendment
- singleHeader.scroll
- If you've thought deeply about copyrights and patents, you've probably figured out that they are bad for progress and deeply unjust. This post is for you.
- dateline
- (If you are new to this issues, you might be more interested in my other posts on Intellectual Freedom)
- freedom.html Intellectual Freedom
- ***
- # A Proposal
- I suggest we rally around a simple long-term vision of passing a new Intellectual Freedom Amendment to the U.S. Constitution ending patents and copyrights once and for all.
- U.S. Constitution
- The below proposal is 213 characters.
- quote
- Section 1. Article I, Section 8, Clause 8 of this Constitution is hereby repealed.
- Section 2. Congress shall make no law granting monopolies on ideas, knowledge, or inventions, or prohibiting the free use thereof.
- I have only passed a handful of Amendments to the U.S. Constitution in my lifetime 😉, so discussion welcome.
- ****
- # Notes
- I am not 100% certain that if we abolished copyright and patent systems the world would be a better place.
- It would be intellectually dishonest of me to say that.
- But I am highly confident it would be a huge improvement based on empirical evidence and theoretical math.
- eta.html theoretical math
- empirical evidence
- It would take a lot of thought to do it right, but I know we could pull the transition off without as much disruption as people fear.
- The bigger problem is this debate is not being had.
- The problem is our side needs a better starting position.
- When the debate is on details like what is the ideal length of monopolies, or when illogical terms like "Intellectual Property" are used, you've already conceded too much, and are fighting for local maxima.
- A stronger and more logical place to have the debate is upstream of that: debate whether we should have these systems at all.
- I think the Amendment Strategy is clear enough, concrete enough, simple enough that you could get critical mass and start moving the debate upstream.
- _The best defense is a good offense_. It's an adage, but there's usually some truth to adages.
- billOfRights.jpg
- caption You can honestly say The Bill of Rights outlaws copyright, but let's pass the IFA just to be clear.
- The Bill of Rights
- ***
- The kind of people I think may be ready to organize would be lovers of open source, Linux, Sci-Hub, the Internet Archive, OG Napster; the followers of Aaron Swartz, Alexandra Elbakian and Stephan Kinsella; and all that truly love ideas and believe every human should get their own copy of humanity's most intelligent information.
- Sci-Hub
- the Internet Archive
- Aaron Swartz
- Napster
- Linux
- Alexandra Elbakian
- Stephan Kinsella
- footer.scroll
+ redirectTo aaron.html
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
3 days ago
updated aaron.scroll
Changed around line 1
- title The Intellectual Freedom Amendment
+ title The Aaron Amendment
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
3 days ago
created aaron.scroll
Changed around line 1
+ date 2021-05-12
+ tags All IntellectualFreedom
+ title The Intellectual Freedom Amendment
+ singleHeader.scroll
+ If you've thought deeply about copyrights and patents, you've probably figured out that they are bad for progress and deeply unjust. This post is for you.
+ dateline
+ (If you are new to this issues, you might be more interested in my other posts on Intellectual Freedom)
+ freedom.html Intellectual Freedom
+ ***
+ # A Proposal
+ I suggest we rally around a simple long-term vision of passing a new Intellectual Freedom Amendment to the U.S. Constitution ending patents and copyrights once and for all.
+ U.S. Constitution
+ The below proposal is 213 characters.
+ quote
+ Section 1. Article I, Section 8, Clause 8 of this Constitution is hereby repealed.
+ Section 2. Congress shall make no law granting monopolies on ideas, knowledge, or inventions, or prohibiting the free use thereof.
+ I have only passed a handful of Amendments to the U.S. Constitution in my lifetime 😉, so discussion welcome.
+ ****
+ # Notes
+ I am not 100% certain that if we abolished copyright and patent systems the world would be a better place.
+ It would be intellectually dishonest of me to say that.
+ But I am highly confident it would be a huge improvement based on empirical evidence and theoretical math.
+ eta.html theoretical math
+ empirical evidence
+ It would take a lot of thought to do it right, but I know we could pull the transition off without as much disruption as people fear.
+ The bigger problem is this debate is not being had.
+ The problem is our side needs a better starting position.
+ When the debate is on details like what is the ideal length of monopolies, or when illogical terms like "Intellectual Property" are used, you've already conceded too much, and are fighting for local maxima.
+ A stronger and more logical place to have the debate is upstream of that: debate whether we should have these systems at all.
+ I think the Amendment Strategy is clear enough, concrete enough, simple enough that you could get critical mass and start moving the debate upstream.
+ _The best defense is a good offense_. It's an adage, but there's usually some truth to adages.
+ billOfRights.jpg
+ caption You can honestly say The Bill of Rights outlaws copyright, but let's pass the IFA just to be clear.
+ The Bill of Rights
+ ***
+ The kind of people I think may be ready to organize would be lovers of open source, Linux, Sci-Hub, the Internet Archive, OG Napster; the followers of Aaron Swartz, Alexandra Elbakian and Stephan Kinsella; and all that truly love ideas and believe every human should get their own copy of humanity's most intelligent information.
+ Sci-Hub
+ the Internet Archive
+ Aaron Swartz
+ Napster
+ Linux
+ Alexandra Elbakian
+ Stephan Kinsella
+ footer.scroll
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
5 days ago
updated test.html
Changed around line 1
- Hello!
+ Hello! Hi! -the real Breck
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
5 days ago
updated test.html
Changed around line 1
+ Hello!
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
5 days ago
created test.html
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
6 days ago
updated mutingTheMarket.scroll
Changed around line 4: title Muting the Market
+ The market is hig
6 days ago
updated mutingTheMarket.scroll
Changed around line 1
- date 2025-1-22
+ date 2025-2-04
- title The Greatest Prompt in the World
+ title Muting the Market
- If you could have an AI running continuously on one prompt, what would it be?
- Here is my best idea so far. What is yours? Ideas and criticisms encouraged!
- Ideas and criticisms encouraged
- ***
- Your job is to build an encyclopedia of all knowledge.
- Humans should be able to copy what you generate to ink and paper for long term robust storage.
- It should define symbol encodings by listing binary sequences with their matching symbol.
- It should define atomic concepts out of those symbols.
- It should define higher level parser concepts by listing patterns that match against and transform rules.
- It should define 2D, 3D, and 4D bitmap formats that resemble phenomena humans observe in nature and link those to the defined concepts.
- It should contain knowledge to maximize what it can predict in real world observations (like location of a planet), and not worry about predicting symbolic world observations (like winning lottery numbers or name of a pop star).
- Everything should have coordinates in a 4D space.
- Continually refine your encyclopedia until it is encodes all knowledge in as few bits as possible.
6 days ago
updated mutingTheMarket.scroll
Changed around line 1
- tags All Programming
+ tags Draft
6 days ago
created mutingTheMarket.scroll
Changed around line 1
+ date 2025-1-22
+ tags All Programming
+ title The Greatest Prompt in the World
+ container 430px
+ standardPost.scroll
+ If you could have an AI running continuously on one prompt, what would it be?
+ Here is my best idea so far. What is yours? Ideas and criticisms encouraged!
+ Ideas and criticisms encouraged
+ ***
+ Your job is to build an encyclopedia of all knowledge.
+ Humans should be able to copy what you generate to ink and paper for long term robust storage.
+ It should define symbol encodings by listing binary sequences with their matching symbol.
+ It should define atomic concepts out of those symbols.
+ It should define higher level parser concepts by listing patterns that match against and transform rules.
+ It should define 2D, 3D, and 4D bitmap formats that resemble phenomena humans observe in nature and link those to the defined concepts.
+ It should contain knowledge to maximize what it can predict in real world observations (like location of a planet), and not worry about predicting symbolic world observations (like winning lottery numbers or name of a pop star).
+ Everything should have coordinates in a 4D space.
+ Continually refine your encyclopedia until it is encodes all knowledge in as few bits as possible.
+ ****
11 days ago
updated thePermissionFunction.scroll
Changed around line 45: Any AI that does that is doomed to extinction.
+ # Related Posts
+ printRelated IntellectualFreedom
11 days ago
updated an-angel-investors-data.scroll
Changed around line 44: I included only the investments I made where I wired $10,000 or more. That is 17
- Real-Life Angel Investing Returns 2012–2016 by Yun-Fang Juan
+ - Auston Bunsen's investments
15 days ago
updated code/ssh-into-your-server-without-a-password.scroll
Changed around line 15: Make sure allow rsa and the other RSA lines are uncommented
- Make sure the file ~/.ssh/authorized_keys exists(if it doesn't, make that directory and touch that file).
+ Make sure the file `~/.ssh/authorized_keys` exists(if it doesn't, make that directory and touch that file).
15 days ago
updated code/settings.scroll
Changed around line 2: importOnly
- editBaseUrl edit.html?fileName=code/
+ editBaseUrl /edit.html?fileName=code/
15 days ago
updated code/settings.scroll
Changed around line 2: importOnly
- editBaseUrl
+ editBaseUrl edit.html?fileName=code/
18 days ago
Added misinformationOrFakeNews.jpg
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
18 days ago
updated misinformationOrFakeNewsNeuralNetwork.scroll
Changed around line 1
- title Training a neural network to spot misinformation and fake news from a single image
+ title Training a neural network to spot misinformation, fake news, and propaganda from a single image
Changed around line 9: printTitle
- Today I'm announcing the release of the image above, which is sufficient training data to train a neural network to spot misinformation or fake news with near perfect accuracy.
+ Today I'm announcing the release of the image above, which is sufficient training data to train a neural network to spot misinformation, fake news, or propaganda with near perfect accuracy.
- These empirical results match the theory that the whole truth and nothing but the truth would not contain a (c).
+ These empirical results match the theory that the whole truth and nothing but the truth would not contain a ©.
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
18 days ago
Changed around line 20: But five coders wrote back.
- table
+ datatable
Changed around line 75: wideColumns 1
- table
+ datatable
Changed around line 143: It gives me hope that there are so many smart, caring, hard working people tryin
- table
+ datatable
Changed around line 49: It must be considered that the black user subconsciously knows they are doing so
- table
+ datatable
Changed around line 81: One file, the 500MB `title.basics.tsv`, contained basic data for all the movie a
- table
+ datatable
Changed around line 384: treeCode
- table
+ datatable
Changed around line 419: The build script for the 60k TreeBase took 30 seconds or so, as expected. I can
- table
+ datatable
Changed around line 489: Rerunning the worked! That line seemed to be the only problematic li
- table
+ datatable
Changed around line 618: Whenever running a long script, it's smart to test it with a smaller dataset fir
- table
+ datatable
Changed around line 40: My next move was to look closer at the open source implementation we were using.
- table
+ datatable
Changed around line 98: the-three-byte-fix.png
- table
+ datatable
Changed around line 107: table
- table
+ datatable
Changed around line 137: endColumns
- table
+ datatable
Changed around line 7: singleHeader.scroll
- table
+ datatable
Changed around line 20: endSnippet
- table
+ datatable
Changed around line 27: This dataset was created to see how common it is for the target levels of certai
- table
+ datatable
Changed around line 7: thinColumns 2
- table
+ datatable
Changed around line 17: table
- table
+ datatable
Changed around line 44: table
- table
+ datatable
- table
+ datatable
Changed around line 60: table
- table
+ datatable
Changed around line 69: table
- table
+ datatable
Changed around line 77: table
- table
+ datatable
Changed around line 94: table
- table
+ datatable
Changed around line 102: table
- table
+ datatable
Changed around line 118: table
- table
+ datatable
Changed around line 131: table
- table
+ datatable
Changed around line 140: table
- table
+ datatable
Changed around line 18: I thought it would be neat to compute some stats for popular open source PHP app
- table
+ datatable
Changed around line 23: Building these microprograms, aka _microprogramming_, is different than traditio
- table
+ datatable
Changed around line 12: endSnippet
- table
+ datatable
Changed around line 31: css
- table
+ datatable
Changed around line 26: endSnippet
- table
+ datatable
Changed around line 66: table
- table
+ datatable
Changed around line 37: Setting smaller goals is better because:
- table
+ datatable
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
19 days ago
updated greatestPrompt.scroll
Changed around line 8: standardPost.scroll
- Ideas and criticisms encouraged
+ Ideas and criticisms encouraged
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
19 days ago
updated greatestPrompt.scroll
Changed around line 7: standardPost.scroll
- Here is my idea so far. This is a v0. Ideas/suggestions/criticisms welcome!
- Ideas/suggestions/criticisms welcome
+ Here is my best idea so far. What is yours? Ideas and criticisms encouraged!
+ Ideas and criticisms encouraged
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
19 days ago
updated greatestPrompt.scroll
Changed around line 4: title The Greatest Prompt in the World
- center
- italics
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
19 days ago
updated greatestPrompt.scroll
Changed around line 5: container 430px
- This is a v0. Ideas/suggestions/criticisms welcome!
+ If you could have an AI running continuously on one prompt, what would it be?
+ Here is my idea so far. This is a v0. Ideas/suggestions/criticisms welcome!
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
19 days ago
updated greatestPrompt.scroll
Changed around line 5: container 430px
- A work in progress. Feedback welcome!
+ This is a v0. Ideas/suggestions/criticisms welcome!
+ Ideas/suggestions/criticisms welcome
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
19 days ago
updated greatestPrompt.scroll
Changed around line 5: container 430px
- A work in progress.
+ A work in progress. Feedback welcome!
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
19 days ago
updated greatestPrompt.scroll
Changed around line 4: title The Greatest Prompt in the World
+ center
- center
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
19 days ago
updated greatestPrompt.scroll
Changed around line 6: standardPost.scroll
+ center
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
19 days ago
updated greatestPrompt.scroll
Changed around line 4: title The Greatest Prompt in the World
+ A work in progress.
+ italics
+ ***
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
19 days ago
updated greatestPrompt.scroll
Changed around line 16: It should define higher level parser concepts by listing patterns that match aga
- Use this system to define all knowledge in as few bits as possible.
+ Continually refine your encyclopedia until it is encodes all knowledge in as few bits as possible.
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
19 days ago
updated greatestPrompt.scroll
Changed around line 4: title The Greatest Prompt in the World
+ Your job is to build an encyclopedia of all knowledge.
+ Humans should be able to copy what you generate to ink and paper for long term robust storage.
+ It should define symbol encodings by listing binary sequences with their matching symbol.
+ It should define atomic concepts out of those symbols.
+ It should define higher level parser concepts by listing patterns that match against and transform rules.
+ It should define 2D, 3D, and 4D bitmap formats that resemble phenomena humans observe in nature and link those to the defined concepts.
+ Use this system to define all knowledge in as few bits as possible.
+ It should contain knowledge to maximize what it can predict in real world observations (like location of a planet), and not worry about predicting symbolic world observations (like winning lottery numbers or name of a pop star).
+ Everything should have coordinates in a 4D space.
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
19 days ago
updated greatestPrompt.scroll
Changed around line 1
+ date 2025-1-22
+ tags All Programming
+ title The Greatest Prompt in the World
+ container 430px
+ standardPost.scroll
+ ****
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
19 days ago
created greatestPrompt.scroll
20 days ago
updated .gitignore
Changed around line 13: package-lock.json
- requests.scroll
+ requests.scroll
+ .*
23 days ago
updated digitalCopyright.scroll
Changed around line 46: Humans in America have to choose: use a criminal library, or fall behind AIs?
- Some smart people want to abolish copyright on digital publications.
- smart people
+ We can just abolish copyright.
+ ifa.html abolish copyright
24 days ago
updated about.scroll
Changed around line 8: This is my personal Scroll. I am a scientist, software engineer, programming lan
24 days ago
updated about.scroll
Changed around line 8: This is my personal Scroll. I am a scientist, software engineer, programming lan
24 days ago
updated about.scroll
Changed around line 10: You can find me on github or contact me via email. breck7 at google's awesome ma
24 days ago
updated about.scroll
Changed around line 2: title About Me
- This is my personal Scroll. I am a software engineer, data science and probability enthusiast, programming language tinkerer, data curator, angel investor and father.
+ This is my personal Scroll. I am a scientist, software engineer, programming language evolver, data curator and father.
24 days ago
updated orbits.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2010-08-06
24 days ago
updated orbits.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2010-08-06
24 days ago
updated code/header.scroll
Changed around line 6: metaTags
24 days ago
updated code/header.scroll
Changed around line 6: metaTags
24 days ago
updated index.scroll
Changed around line 1
24 days ago
updated index.scroll
Changed around line 1
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
25 days ago
Changed around line 61: A non-toxic, intelligent, trustworthy successor to the web that works offline.
- class highlight language
+ addClass highlight language
- class highlight library
+ addClass highlight library
- class highlight liberation
+ addClass highlight liberation
- class highlight language
- class highlight Scroll
+ addClass highlight language
+ addClass highlight Scroll
Changed around line 89: PPS: Particles. Parsers. Scroll.
- class highlight library
- class highlight Scroll
+ addClass highlight library
+ addClass highlight Scroll
Changed around line 101: Scroll is a library
- class highlight Scroll
- class highlight liberation
+ addClass highlight Scroll
+ addClass highlight liberation
25 days ago
updated emailBanner.scroll
Changed around line 1
- Like my site? Join my email list:
+ div
+ id emailBanner
+ class banner hide
+ form
+ onsubmit handleSubmit(event)
+ span Like my site? Join my email list:
+ button Join
+ type submit
+ a X
+ onclick hideEmailList()
+ class closeBannerButton
+ .closeBannerButton {cursor:pointer;display: inline-flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; width: 24px; height: 24px; border-radius: 50%; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); color: #666; text-decoration: none; font-family: arial; font-size: 14px; line-height: 1; transition: all 0.2s ease; position: relative; top: -1px;}
25 days ago
updated ifa.scroll
Changed around line 14: If you've thought deeply about copyrights and patents, you've probably figured o
- I suggest we rally around a simple long-term vision of passing a new Intellectual Freedom Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
+ I suggest we rally around a simple long-term vision of passing a new Intellectual Freedom Amendment to the U.S. Constitution ending patents and copyrights once and for all.
25 days ago
updated ifa.scroll
Changed around line 57: billOfRights.jpg
- The kind of people I think may be ready to organize would be lovers of open source, Linux, Sci-Hub, the Internet Archive, OG Napster; to the followers of Aaron Swartz, Alexandra Elbakian and Stephan Kinsella; to all of you that truly love ideas and believe every human should get their own copy of humanity's most intelligent information; I present the idea for a new political strategy.
+ The kind of people I think may be ready to organize would be lovers of open source, Linux, Sci-Hub, the Internet Archive, OG Napster; the followers of Aaron Swartz, Alexandra Elbakian and Stephan Kinsella; and all that truly love ideas and believe every human should get their own copy of humanity's most intelligent information.
25 days ago
updated ifa.scroll
Changed around line 12: If you've thought deeply about copyrights and patents, you've probably figured o
- # To Whom it May Concern
- To the lovers of open source, Linux, Sci-Hub, the Internet Archive, OG Napster; to the followers of Aaron Swartz, Alexandra Elbakian and Stephan Kinsella; to all of you that truly love ideas and believe every human should get their own copy of humanity's most intelligent information; I present the idea for a new political strategy.
- Sci-Hub
- the Internet Archive
- Aaron Swartz
- Napster
- Linux
- Alexandra Elbakian
- Stephan Kinsella
- ***
Changed around line 55: billOfRights.jpg
+ ***
+ The kind of people I think may be ready to organize would be lovers of open source, Linux, Sci-Hub, the Internet Archive, OG Napster; to the followers of Aaron Swartz, Alexandra Elbakian and Stephan Kinsella; to all of you that truly love ideas and believe every human should get their own copy of humanity's most intelligent information; I present the idea for a new political strategy.
+ Sci-Hub
+ the Internet Archive
+ Aaron Swartz
+ Napster
+ Linux
+ Alexandra Elbakian
+ Stephan Kinsella
25 days ago
updated ifa.scroll
Changed around line 4: title The Intellectual Freedom Amendment
- Are you anti-copyright and anti-patent? Then this post is for you.
+ If you've thought deeply about copyrights and patents, you've probably figured out that they are bad for progress and deeply unjust. This post is for you.
25 days ago
updated ifa.scroll
Changed around line 36: quote
- I have only passed a handful of Amendments to the U.S. Constitution in my lifetime 😉, so if you have suggestions to make that better, pull requests and discussions are welcome.
+ I have only passed a handful of Amendments to the U.S. Constitution in my lifetime 😉, so discussion welcome.
25 days ago
updated ifa.scroll
Changed around line 30: To the lovers of open source, Linux, Sci-Hub, the Internet Archive, OG Napster;
- The below proposal is 187 characters.
+ The below proposal is 213 characters.
25 days ago
updated ifa.scroll
Changed around line 34: The below proposal is 187 characters.
- Section 2. Congress shall make no law granting monopolies on the publication or implementation of ideas.
+ Section 2. Congress shall make no law granting monopolies on ideas, knowledge, or inventions, or prohibiting the free use thereof.
25 days ago
updated aNewCoatOfPaint.scroll
Changed around line 4: title A New Coat of Paint
- And our ancestors built a magnificent palace, over thousands of years, layer by layer, with space for all, and our brother added a coat of paint, and said "This is my property now.
+ And our ancestors built a magnificent palace, over thousands of years, layer by layer, with space for all, and our brother added a coat of paint, and said "This is my property now."
25 days ago
updated aNewCoatOfPaint.scroll
Changed around line 4: title A New Coat of Paint
- And our ancestors built a magnificent palace, over thousands of years, layer by layer, with space for all, and our brother added a coat of paint, and said "This is my property now".
+ And our ancestors built a magnificent palace, over thousands of years, layer by layer, with space for all, and our brother added a coat of paint, and said "This is my property now.
27 days ago
updated aScientistGoesToHeaven.scroll
Changed around line 15: scientistsHeaven.jpg
- Newton, Darwin, and a modern Scientist go to heaven.
+ Newton, Darwin, and a modern-day scientist go to heaven.
- God is standing at the gate.
+ God is at the gate.
- "Your research will determine whether you may enter heaven."
+ "Your research shall determine whether you may enter."
- Newton is up first.
+ Newton goes first.
- He shows God "Principia".
+ He hands over _Principia_.
- God smiles reading Newton's description of gravity.
+ God reads Newton's description of gravity and smiles.
- God shakes his hand and opens the gate for him.
+ He waves him through.
- Next up is Darwin.
+ Darwin goes next.
- He shows God "Origin of Species".
+ He hands over _Origin of Species_.
- God says "You nailed it!"
- He lets him in.
+ God scans it. "Bingo! You're in."
- Finally, the modern Scientist is up.
+ Finally, our modern-day scientist is up.
- God asks to see his work.
+ God asks for his work.
27 days ago
updated aScientistGoesToHeaven.scroll
Changed around line 4: title Three Scientists Go To Heaven
- thinColumns 1
+ container 400px
28 days ago
updated scrollsets.scroll
Changed around line 97: Edit history can be tracked by git.
- caption Dark blue dots are measure ids. The first sections are measure definition (aka parsers). The next sections are concepts. The red dots are measurement values. The blue-red pairs are measurements. The light blue dots are comments/code. View Source
+ caption Dark blue dots are measure ids. The first sections are measure definitions (aka parsers). The next sections are concepts. The red dots are measurement values. The blue-red pairs are measurements. The light blue dots are comments/code. View Source
28 days ago
updated scrollsets.scroll
Changed around line 98: Edit history can be tracked by git.
- View Source
+ View Source
28 days ago
updated scrollsets.scroll
Changed around line 98: Edit history can be tracked by git.
- View Source
+ View Source
28 days ago
updated scrollsets.scroll
Changed around line 97: Edit history can be tracked by git.
- caption Blue dots are measure ids. The first blue dot is a measure definition (aka a parser). The red dot is a measurement value. The blue-red pair is a measurement, as well as a concept. The cyan dot is a comment. View Source
+ caption Dark blue dots are measure ids. The first sections are measure definition (aka parsers). The next sections are concepts. The red dots are measurement values. The blue-red pairs are measurements. The light blue dots are comments/code. View Source
28 days ago
Added scrollsets.png
28 days ago
updated aNewCoatOfPaint.scroll
Changed around line 4: title A New Coat of Paint
- And our ancestors built a magnificent palace, over thousands of years, layer by layer, with plenty of space for all, and our brother added a coat of paint, and said "This is my property now".
+ And our ancestors built a magnificent palace, over thousands of years, layer by layer, with space for all, and our brother added a coat of paint, and said "This is my property now".
28 days ago
updated aNewCoatOfPaint.scroll
Changed around line 4: title A New Coat of Paint
- And our ancestors built a magnificent palace over millenia, layer by layer, with plenty of space for all, and our brother added a coat of paint, and said "This is my property now".
+ And our ancestors built a magnificent palace, over thousands of years, layer by layer, with plenty of space for all, and our brother added a coat of paint, and said "This is my property now".
28 days ago
updated aNewCoatOfPaint.scroll
Changed around line 4: title A New Coat of Paint
- And our ancestors built a magnificent palace, layer by layer, with plenty of space for all, and our brother added a coat of paint, and said "This is my property now".
+ And our ancestors built a magnificent palace over millenia, layer by layer, with plenty of space for all, and our brother added a coat of paint, and said "This is my property now".
28 days ago
updated aNewCoatOfPaint.scroll
Changed around line 4: title A New Coat of Paint
- And our ancestors built a magnificent palace, layer by layer, with plenty of space for all, and our brother added a coat of paint, and said "This is my property mine now".
+ And our ancestors built a magnificent palace, layer by layer, with plenty of space for all, and our brother added a coat of paint, and said "This is my property now".
28 days ago
updated categoryLinks.scroll
Changed around line 1
- nav categoryPages
+ fileNav categoryPages
28 days ago
Renamed paint.scroll to aNewCoatOfPaint.scroll
28 days ago
updated paint.scroll
Changed around line 1
- date 2024-12-15
+ date 2025-1-13
- title The Permission Function
+ title A New Coat of Paint
- # Why copyright and patent terms need to be 0
- ? How long should copyright and patent terms be?
- There is a correct answer, and that answer is zero.
- ***
- The progress of arts and sciences depends on rapidly testing novel assemblies of ideas to see if they are good ideas or bad ideas.
- If you have a concept of copyrights and patents, then before testing any new assembly of an idea, you have to ensure you have permission to test the idea.
- The *Permission Function* compares your idea with all others to ensure it does not violate any copyrights or patents.
- If you run afoul of the Permission Function, you can suffer great legal consequences.
- The Permission Function take times and energy to run comparisons, communicate with "owners", and perhaps find workarounds.
- The problem is, you don't know how good an idea is until you test it!
- You often need to test 100 new ideas to find 1 _good_ idea.
- Thus most of your resources are wasted on running the Permission Function on bad ideas.
- ***
- ? Why zero?
- When you understand the colossal waste of time and energy the Permission Function introduces, you realize that even setting the term of copyrights and patents to 1 year is incredibly harmful, and slows down progress by orders of magnitude.
- When the term is 0, there is no Permission Function, and the progress of arts and sciences is unchained.
- ***
- There is no way AGI will be wasting all this energy on a Permission Function.
- Any AI that does that is doomed to extinction.
- Similarly, to survive, humans need to abolish the Permission Function.
+ And our ancestors built a magnificent palace, layer by layer, with plenty of space for all, and our brother added a coat of paint, and said "This is my property mine now".
28 days ago
created paint.scroll
Changed around line 1
+ date 2024-12-15
+ tags All IntellectualFreedom Society
+ title The Permission Function
+ container 430px
+ standardPost.scroll
+ # Why copyright and patent terms need to be 0
+ ? How long should copyright and patent terms be?
+ There is a correct answer, and that answer is zero.
+ ***
+ The progress of arts and sciences depends on rapidly testing novel assemblies of ideas to see if they are good ideas or bad ideas.
+ If you have a concept of copyrights and patents, then before testing any new assembly of an idea, you have to ensure you have permission to test the idea.
+ The *Permission Function* compares your idea with all others to ensure it does not violate any copyrights or patents.
+ If you run afoul of the Permission Function, you can suffer great legal consequences.
+ The Permission Function take times and energy to run comparisons, communicate with "owners", and perhaps find workarounds.
+ The problem is, you don't know how good an idea is until you test it!
+ You often need to test 100 new ideas to find 1 _good_ idea.
+ Thus most of your resources are wasted on running the Permission Function on bad ideas.
+ ***
+ ? Why zero?
+ When you understand the colossal waste of time and energy the Permission Function introduces, you realize that even setting the term of copyrights and patents to 1 year is incredibly harmful, and slows down progress by orders of magnitude.
+ When the term is 0, there is no Permission Function, and the progress of arts and sciences is unchained.
+ ***
+ There is no way AGI will be wasting all this energy on a Permission Function.
+ Any AI that does that is doomed to extinction.
+ Similarly, to survive, humans need to abolish the Permission Function.
+ ****
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
1 month ago
Changed around line 1
- categoryHeader.scroll
+ categoryPage.scroll
1 month ago
updated scrollsets.scroll
Changed around line 111: GNU Recutils^recutils deserves credit as the closest precursor to our system. If
- ScrollSets is the name of the first implementation of the system above. It is open source and dedicated to the public domain.
- ScrollSet
+ ScrollSets is the name of the first implementation of the system above. It is open source and public domain.
+ ScrollSets
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
1 month ago
Changed around line 1
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 2
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 1
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 2
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2011-03-04
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 2
+ singleHeader.scroll
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- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 2
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2010-06-28
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 2
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2010-06-14
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 2
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 3: permalink design-matters-a-lot.html
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 2
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 1
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 2
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2010-06-16
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 2
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 1
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 2
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2010-08-06
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 2
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2012-12-14
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 2
+ singleHeader.scroll
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- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 2
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 1
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 2
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2011-03-05
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 2
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2012-10-20
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 2
+ singleHeader.scroll
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- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 2
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2012-12-22
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 2
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 74: The complexity of current Internet protocols could be holding us back from an ev
- printRelated WWS
+ printRelated Scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2012-11-20
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 2
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2010-06-17
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 2
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2010-08-03
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 2
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2010-09-18
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 2
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2010-03-17
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 2
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2010-03-24
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 2
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2020-12-09
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 2
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 1
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 2
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2020-01-20
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 2
+ singleHeader.scroll
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- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 2
+ singleHeader.scroll
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- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 2
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2010-08-25
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 2
+ singleHeader.scroll
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
1 month ago
Changed around line 2: date 7/18/2019
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 6/27/2023
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 3/6/2023
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 5: openGraphImage tunnelByDallE.png
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- printAuthors
- thinColumns 1
+ singleAuthor.scroll
Changed around line 3: openGraphImage abortBars.gif
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 3: tags All Data Writing Life
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 9/1/2022
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2020-02-21
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2009-01-05
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2024-05-04
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 1
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- printTitle
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- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2008-07-28
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 1/24/2024
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
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Changed around line 2: date 2/9/2024
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
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Changed around line 2: date 2008-07-07
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 1
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- header.scroll
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- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2024-3-30
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2/20/2024
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 3: permalink building-a-treebase-with-6.5-million-files.html
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 10/04/2022
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2024-06-25
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2009-12-28
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2010-08-25
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
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- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
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- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2010-08-25
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2008-05-14
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2020-01-23
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 1
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2012-12-19
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 1/29/2024
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 5/14/2024
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2009-12-24
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 4/3/2024
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2009-12-13
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 1/26/2024
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 4/28/2023
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2009-12-02 2
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 6: tags All Life Thinking Data Fiction
- printTitle
+ container 400px
+ printTitle
- thinColumns 1
Changed around line 2: date 2009-12-02 3
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2010-01-05
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2010-01-29
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2009-12-10
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
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- header.scroll
- printTitle
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- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
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- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2020-02-25
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 3: replace KEYMESSAGE Public domain products are strictly superior to equivalent no
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2010-01-12
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2008-07-28
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2021-03-30
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- container 50ch
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2007-08-24
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 12/28/2023
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
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- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
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- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2021-05-12
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- container 50ch
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2009-12-02 1
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2013-02-12
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 3: permalink integrity-and-perseverance-in-business-ensure-success.html
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2024-06-18
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2024-06-29
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2008-08-20
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2010-08-25
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2007-08-28
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 6/9/2023
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 9/19/2024
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2021-04-26
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- container 50ch
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2009-12-16
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 6/13/2023
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2020-03-02
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2008-11-23
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2010-03-16
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 3: tags All Programming Scroll
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2013-03-30
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2020-03-02
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2008-10-12
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2010-08-25
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2010-01-22
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2013-09-23
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 1/1/2024
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2017-06-23
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 12/30/2022
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 3/08/2024
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2010-08-06
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2009-12-07
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2008-07-09
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2012-11-26
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 4: openGraphImage pmfMirage.jpg
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2/3/2024
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2009-12-20
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2012-11-25
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2024-05-26
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 3: openGraphImage rootThinking.png
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2010-08-25
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 3: openGraphImage safeFS.png
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2008-09-19
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2013-02-16
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 10/07/2022
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2021-02-22
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 6/2/2013
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2009-12-15
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 1
+ importOnly
+ header.scroll
+ container 500px
+ printTitle
+ printAuthors
Changed around line 1
+ importOnly
+ header.scroll
+ container 500px
+ printTitle
Changed around line 2: date 2013-04-02
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2/4/2024
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2013-02-24
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2/21/2024
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2013-03-08
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2010-06-15
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2012-12-23
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2010-02-02
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2009-12-06
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2010-08-11
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2010-08-23
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2009-04-14
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2009-12-23
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2013-04-01
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- printAuthors
- thinColumns 1
+ singleAuthor.scroll
Changed around line 1
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2024-4-2
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 7/14/2019
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2008-07-27
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2009-12-04
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2009-04-06
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2009-12-11
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2/28/2022
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 1/3/2023
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 8/11/2021
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- container 50ch
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 5/19/2023
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2010-08-23
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2009-05-06
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2009-12-03
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2010-01-14
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2013-03-30
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2010-02-17
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2009-12-09
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2/14/2024
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 1/12/2024
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- mediumColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
Changed around line 3: permalink wws.html
- header.scroll
- printTitle
- thinColumns 1
+ singleHeader.scroll
1 month ago
updated recommendations-are-far-from-good.scroll
Changed around line 3: tags All Thinking Society
- printTitle
+ printTitle
1 month ago
updated recommendations-are-far-from-good.scroll
Changed around line 5: title Recommendations Are Far From Good
- thinColumns 1
+ container 500px
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
1 month ago
Changed around line 1
- stumpNoSnippet
- link
- rel stylesheet
- type text/css
- href .gazette.css
- stumpNoSnippet
- link
- rel stylesheet
- type text/css
- href .scroll.css
+ .gazette.css
+ .scroll.css
Changed around line 18
- "scroll-cli": "^162.0.1"
+ "scroll-cli": "^165.0.0"
1 month ago
updated thePermissionFunction.scroll
Changed around line 38: When the term is 0, there is no Permission Function, and the progress of arts an
- There is no way AGI will be wasting all this energy on a Permission Function.
+ There is no way AGI will be wasting all this energy on a Permission Function.
1 month ago
updated thePermissionFunction.scroll
Changed around line 44: Any AI that does that is doomed to extinction.
- ****
+ ****
1 month ago
updated irrational-numbers.scroll
Changed around line 21: Here’s what I think now that I didn’t understand back in the day. Say someon
- My point is growing up math was probably my favorite subject. Calculus amazed me. I really thought math was eventually going to explain everything to me about the world. But then it started getting much more specific and I stopped seeing math in everyday life. With calculus I saw derivatives in everything from the acceleration of a car to the temperature drop at night. But a few years of multivariables calculus and linear algebra and stuff later and I stopped getting a sense that math could really answer the big questions about the world.
+ My point is growing up math was probably my favorite subject. Calculus amazed me. I really thought math was eventually going to explain everything to me about the world. But then it started getting much more specific and I stopped seeing math in everyday life. With calculus I saw derivatives in everything from the acceleration of a car to the temperature drop at night. But a few years of multivariable calculus and linear algebra and stuff later and I stopped getting a sense that math could really answer the big questions about the world.
- P.S. I know this is probably a naivve look at complex math topics, but I’m 1% sure that I’m totally correct and all those smart mathematicians are wrong.
+ P.S. I know this is probably a naive look at complex math topics, but I’m 1% sure that I’m totally correct and all those smart mathematicians are wrong.
1 month ago
updated introducing-note.scroll
Changed around line 7: printTitle
- comment
- Just want to note that it took nearly a decade but this article is now
- written in a derivative of Note! 😀 5/11/2021
+ // Just want to note that it took nearly a decade but this article is now written in a derivative of Note! 😀 5/11/2021
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
1 month ago
Changed around line 1
- tags BipolarEnergy Life Minsky
+ tags All BipolarEnergy Life Minsky
1 month ago
updated makeSomethingYouLove.scroll
Changed around line 14: printDate
- a product I love
+ a product I love
1 month ago
updated investments.scroll
Changed around line 35: A sample of the companies I've invested in is listed below:
+ tableSearch