Changed around line 5: standardPost.scroll
- caption The model proposed here. Mania is too many mitochondria; depression too few. We predict it is possible to detect mood state from optical images of certain cells and counting stained mitochondria.
+ caption The model proposed here. Mania is too much mitochondria; depression too little. We predict it is possible to detect mood state from optical images of certain cells and counting mitochondrial volume.
- Mania is too many mitochondria; depression too few.
+ Mania is too much mitochondria; depression too little.
- *Mitolevel* is mitochondrial count divided by cell count ($ML$ = $M/C$).
+ *Mitolevel* is mitochondrial volume divided by cell volume ($ML$ = $M/C$).
Changed around line 25: Mania is elevated mitolevels and depression is depressed mitolevels.
- Individuals who experience severe depression take a long time to recover, which matches a model where the cell is filled with debris (likely from dead mitochondria from a manic episode) preventing the restoration of a healthy mitolevel.
+ Individuals who experience severe depression take a long time to recover, which matches a model where the cell is depleted of mitochondria (likely from dead mitochondria from resource exhausition during a manic episode) preventing the restoration of a healthy mitolevel.